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Before continuing it is recommended to checkout the GardenArgTypes API Reference.

ArgTypes must have a matching @api property exposed on the LWC component as they are designed to map to these values.

ArgTypes are defined in your LWC specific garden.config.js file.

  • Directorylwc
    • DirectoryhelloWorldLwc
      • garden.config.js
      • helloWorldLwc.css
      • helloWorldLwc.html
      • helloWorldLwc.js

Arg types define the @api values for your LWC. These can be configured in a similar way to Storybooks ArgTypes.

ArgTypes Table

Data TypeControl TypeDescription
booleanbooleanProvides a single checkbox to toggle between true (checked) and false (un-checked).
enumcheckboxProvides a set of stacked checkboxes for selecting multiple options. Values are stored as a semi-colon (;) separated string.
checkbox-inlineProvides a set of inlined checkboxes for selecting multiple options. Values are stored as a semi-colon (;) separated string.
radioProvides a set of stacked radio buttons for selecting a single option.
radio-inlineProvides a set of inlined radio buttons for selecting a single option.
selectProvides a select to choose a single value from the options.
numbernumberProvides a numeric input to allow any numeric value to be set.
rangeProvides a range slider to include restrict the numeric value between two values.
stringtextProvides a freeform text input.
colorProvides a color picker to choose color values.

For more information, checkout the GardenArgTypes API reference.


Lets have a look at an example of using ArgTypes for a basic button component.

  • Directorylwc
    • Directorybutton
      • garden.config.js
      • button.css
      • button.html
      • button.js
* @type {import('@lwc-garden/core/types').GardenConfig}
export default {
name: 'My Custom Button',
argTypes: [
name: 'label',
type: 'text',
name: 'color',
type: 'color',
name: 'backgroundColor',
type: 'color',
name: 'borderRadius',
type: 'select',
options: [
label: '0px',
value: '0px',
label: '4px',
value: '4px',
label: '12px',
value: '12px',
label: 'full',
value: '999px',