Lightning Base Components
LWC Garden comes with out-of-the-box support for SLDS and is easy to pair with the official lightning-base-components
NPM package.
Enable SLDS
There are a few short steps to get SLDS up and running.
LWC Garden Configuration
Enabling SLDS is a simple flag in your garden.config.js
import lwrConfig from './lwr.config.json' with { type: 'json' }
/** * @type {import('@lwc-garden/core/types').GardenConfig} */const CONFIG = { // lwc.config.json modules type modules: [...lwrConfig.lwc.modules], lwc { enableSlds: true }}
export default CONFIG
Install @salesforce-ux/design-system
is where the Salesforce Lightning Design System lives off platform. This can be installed via npm.
pnpm add @salesforce-ux/design-system
npm install @salesforce-ux/design-system
yarn add @salesforce-ux/design-system
You must also edit your lwr.config.json
file to configure the path to SLDS.
{ "lwc": { "modules": [] }, "moduleProviders": [], "assets": [ { "dir": "./.garden/slds", "urlPath": "/slds" } ], "routes": []}
Lightning Base Components
Most on-platform components can be used locally in LWC Garden. See the official lightning-base-components for a list of available LWCs.
You can build your own mock lightning-*
components if you need, read more.
pnpm add lightning-base-components
npm install lightning-base-components
yarn add lightning-base-components
To get these components working you will need to adjust your lwr.config.json
{ "lwc": { "modules": [ { "npm": "lightning-base-components" } ] }, "moduleProviders": [], "assets": [], "routes": []}
Windows support
By default, Salesforce does not offer proper Windows support due to bugs in their @lwrjs/*
We can add native windows support (no need for WSL) via @lukethacoder/lwrjs-module-registry
. This package is an opinionated edit that fixes Windows specific issues as well as a few other bugs.
pnpm add @lukethacoder/lwrjs-module-registry
In your package.json
, add the following override.
{ "pnpm": { "overrides": { "@lwrjs/module-registry": "npm:@lukethacoder/lwrjs-module-registry" } }}
NOTE: this is for pnpm. NPM and Yarn have a similar overrides method.