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This package may be used standalone and is not dependant on the @lwc-garden/core package. You can run a simple npx lwr dev site and still take advantage of the following utilities and configuration.

Want to skip the docs and jump straight to a live example? Check it out here.


Terminal window
pnpm add -D @lwc-garden/utils

Edit your lwr.config.json file to add the @lwc-garden/utils package to the "modules" config:

"lwc": {
"modules": [
"dir": "./.garden/components",
"namespace": "garden"
"npm": "@lwc-garden/utils",
"dir": "./force-app/main/default/lwc",
"namespace": "c"
"moduleProviders": [
"routes": [
"id": "app",
"path": "/",
"rootComponent": "garden/app",
"layoutTemplate": "./.garden/layouts/index.html",
"bootstrap": {
"syntheticShadow": true